The Dos And Don’ts Of Mink Eyelash Extensions Care

Mink eyelash extensions look stunning, lengthy, and voluminous immediately after they have been applied. To keep them looking fresh and new throughout the entire duration before your next appointment, you need to take good care of them. In this article, we’ll walk you through the particulars of how and why you should take good care of your extensions. The process isn’t a challenge especially once you learn all the dos and don’ts.

Why You Should Take Care Of Your Eyelash Extensions

Taking proper care of your eyelash extensions does not have to be a complicated matter. Here are three main reasons why you should always ensure that your lashes are in good health:

  • Your overall lash health is not compromised

Poorly cared for eyelashes generally causes them to fall out together with your natural lashes. The result will be thinned lashes and they will also take longer to grow back and in their original thickness. Caring for the extensions keeps the area around the eyes clean and reduces the possibility of getting an infection.

  • The lashes will stay looking fresh for a long time

Taking proper care of your eyelashes means that you continue having the flawless and voluminous look for longer. You ought to follow all the recommendations given otherwise what’s the point of spending your precious time and hard-earned money on the application process?

  • The infill cost improves drastically

After about two or three weeks, one has to go for a fill. When you take proper care of your eyelash extensions, you automatically avoid the need to go back every other week. If you don’t take proper care of them, too many lashes will be lost and you will most probably be required to pay the same amount as you did earlier because a lot needs to be done to make the lashes look fabulous again.  

Taking good care of your eyelash extensions saves you so much time and money too.

The Ins And Outs Of Eyelash Extension Care

Here is a list od the things you should and those you shouldn’t do if you have eyelash extensions on:

The Dos

  1. Consult with the eyelash technician about the look that you’re going for. Make sure that you’re happy with the outcome. If you aren’t, tell the technician about it.
  2. Avoid any activities that get your eyelashes wet immediately after application. These include oils, water, saunas, steam baths, and Jacuzzis.
  3. Remember to schedule regular fill-in appointments approximately every two to three weeks.
  4. Brush the eyelashes gently to align any hairs that may be out of place.
  5. Clean your face with oil-free products when you’re removing your makeup
  6. Wash the eyelashes at least three times every week to prevent irritations and infections.

The Don’ts

  1. Don’t try to heat, curl, perm, or tint your eyelash extensions. Doing any of these activities will ruin your lashes
  2. Don’t use oil-based products such as mascara, eye-shadow, or eyeliner. These affect the adhesive that was used to fix the extensions causing them to fall off
  3. Rub or touch the eyes. If you have to fix the lashes, only use a soft brush and not your hands.
  4. Do not pull out the eyelashes in an attempt to take them off by yourself. Your natural lashes will also fall out
  5. Don’t pay the initial full price for follow up fill-in appointments

Final thoughts

If you start experiencing any kind of pain, swelling, discomfort, or redness either during the procedure or after, you should inform the technician right away. Following the tips we gave you will ensure that you have the best eyelash extension experience.



Aaron is a South Carolina native who loves technology, but he also has deep roots in the culture of his home state. He's an avid supporter of Clemson football, and he believes that there are more than just six ways to enjoy BBQ. Aaron is passionate about finding the best possible solution for his clients' needs, whether that means customizing systems or providing consulting services. Wade can work with you to create a strategy that will help you grow your business by making it easier for customers to find you online and by providing them with an intuitive experience on your website.

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